Yesterday, Amy, Drewey and I were talking about recent events that have occurred in our country.
We started off laughing about silly old Don Imus and the remarks that got him fired.
Then, Drewey said that she had heard some radio commentators saying that one of the girls who Imus had referred to stated she had been “scarred for life” by what he had said. Sure, it was offensive, inappropriate and rude, but enough to scar someone for life?
And hearing that on the radio made Drewey think that the events of VA Tech were of a proportion to scar someone for life, not an insensitive racial slur.
All last evening and today I couldn’t stop thinking about that. There are events in life that can scar, and there are ones that hurt, but need to be looked at as just that… hurt, not scars.
In the last couple of weeks several things that have happened that caused my last blog post. A past relationship had resurfaced bringing much confusion and sorrow, someone I love had been hurt, and I was reeling with pain.
And I decided that my blog was too open for speculation, and I didn’t want to be scrutinized while dealing with the pain. So, I stopped writing. But I dreadfully missed the outlet that writing brought.
Several of my close friends closed ranks and sent me messages, reminding me of God’s faithfulness. When I mentioned on another website that I was struggling to remember that God knows what He’s doing, one of my world traveling friends wrote,
“God DOES know what He is doing! Always! Way to choose to believe it yet again...And remember:Give to the winds your fears; hope, and be undismayed,God hears your sighs, and counts your tears.God shall lift up your head.Through waves and clouds and storms He gently leads the way!Wait for His time, so shall the night soon end in joyous day!Still heavy is your heart? Still sink your spirits down?Cast off the weight! Let fear depart and every care be gone!He everywhere has sway, and all things serve His mind;His every act pure blessing is:His path, unsullied light.Leave to His sovereign will to choose and to command;With wonder filled you then shall own how WISE, how STRONG His hand!Thought maybe you could use a refresher course, my friend!”Another friend, who knows me all too well, wrote saying, “Don’t retreat, Lindsay.”
So, this morning as I was thinking about events that do or do not scar for life, giving my fears to the wind, remembering that God “everywhere has sway”, not retreating, and missing the outlet that my blog brings, I thought,
“Events in my life can only steal my joy if I LET them. And I don’t want to let them.”And so I’m back… choosing to not be one who says “This little thing scarred me for life,” choosing instead to revel in the joy of being one who knows, that regardless of life’s experience, that my God is on the throne.