Sunday, October 23, 2005

Notes From the Diva's Dressing Room

So, on Friday night, right before the curtain went up for Opening Night, one of the members of the Board of Directors from Bedford Off Broadway came up to our dressing room with a program... a fresh one that showed that Lindsay M Jones was indeed the actress playing three small roles in "The Boys Next Door." Yes, my stint as a hispanic diva was over, and I was back to the real me. The Board felt so badly about the misspelling that they reprinted that page and did an insert in each one of the programs.
And to further add to my feeling like a diva, the director brought both Mary (the one other female cast member) and myself some of the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. And there were people there from work, and they also had an amazing bouquet of flowers for me. So when I got home at almost one that night (or Saturday morning, as the case may be) I put both bouquets in vases and brought them into my room, so that I would see them as soon as I woke up.
Then last night, Aunt Jeannette was at the show, and brought me a huge bouquet of some of the prettiest, most yummy smelling tiny pink carnations. So this morning, my first experience of the day was the wonderful smell of three bouquets! And my second was seeing the source of that smell. What a way to wake up!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Keeping Up With the Honeses

As seen in the playbill for "The Boys Next Door" the part of Mrs Warren, Mrs Fremus and Clara will be played by the talented

Lindsay M Hones

It's hard to be a diva with such a difficult last name to spell!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Once again...

...I must let my faithful readers know that there will be a lack of blogging for a bit. As of Sunday, we are going into TECH WEEK for the play, which means that I will be at rehearsal all of Sunday afternoon, and every night from seven to eleven... and then we have OPENING NIGHT a week from tonight!
All that being said, with leaving the house at 6:45 each morning for work, and getting home at 11:15 each night, there wont be a whole lotta time for blogging.
It's all very exciting!! And could I ask that you all pray for a lack of sickness during this time of lack of sleep?
Thanks guys!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Is This What's Going to Happen to MY KIDS??

So, I heard this funny joke. And it made me laugh. Hard. But, what if I have kids, and this is me??

A blonde had a baby, and when she got home from the hospital, some of her family came to visit her.
They asked if they could see the baby, but she said she would make coffee first, and they'd chat... then they could see the baby.
After about half an hour, the family members were getting anxious to see the baby. The asked if they could now that they'd finished drinking their coffee, but the blonde said not yet.
Several more minutes passed, and they started asking again.
Finally the blonde said, "You can't see the baby until he starts crying!"
"But WHY?" asked the family.
"Because I can't remember where I put him!" the blonde mother replied.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Phobia that Came to Life

So, my biggest fear in life (besides having someone hanging from my shower head when I get in, but that's a completely other thing!) is snakes. I don't like seeing pictures of them, hearing stories about them, or seeing them at zoos or in movies. Living in NH is good place for snake-phobic people, because we really don't have that many of them, and the ones that we have aren't all that dangerous.
I've been so scared of them that I have declared on numerous occasions that if I ever saw one in my house, I'd move.
Last night I got home from work, exhausted and so ready for a relaxing weekend. The only thing that was in the way of me and complete relaxation was a messy room, so after dinner I went in to bring order. As I reached over to pick up my backpack, I saw a snake tail disappear into it. (Oh my gosh - I'm having a hard time even typing this, as I get all panicky all over again!!)
I went flying over to Evan & Jill's house, and they came and caught the horrific beast, but irreparable damage had been done to my psyche. I called Amy & she came up. Bless her heart - she had misunderstood my frantic screams on the phone and thought it was still in my room, so she came up with HUGE boots on, and a pincher-thing to catch the snake. She was also followed up by her Dad, who was armed with a huge flashlight, ready for battle. At the same time, Derrick came up to Evan & Jill's to pick something up, so he and Mr Partin went over and tried to find if there were any others, or where this thing had entered my apartment. They plugged a hole in my closet where they thought it probably came in.
After a time of trying to calm down, I went back to my apartment, but spent the time crouched on one of my living room chairs, eyes continuously scanning the floor for unwanted guests. There was no way I was going to sleep in my bed last night, so I actually slept on Evan & Jill's couch last night, jumping at everything that touched my skin.
A little while ago, Amy came up and was around while I cleaned my room from top to bottom. Pretty much everything that I picked up, I was expecting horrible reptiles to squirm out of. I saw something moved and screamed so loud it scared both of us out of our minds. Sadly, it was only my shadow.
And the Salvation Army will make out well from this episode, because having over 25 pairs of shoes on the floor of my closet is now freaking me out. Instead of looking at those shoes with love, ready to wear with any outfit, now I just see them as a mound of things where horrible beasts might be hiding!
So here I am, typing with my legs all drawn up on the chair, because I'm too afraid to put them on the floor in case something slithers over them.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Oh No - Now I Have Guilt!

So - on Tuesday night I got a call on my cell phone during rehearsal. It was Jill saying that The Cuteness got hit by a car and was in kitty heaven. Blah! Sure, she was a pain in the butt, and sure, I had been in the process of getting rid of her, but ... it was kind of sad!
And Wrangler cried a lot that first night, so I let him sleep on my bed. And every time I would wake up, he'd be curled around my head or arm. Poor little guy.
I told someone here at work yesterday what had happened, and he offered to send up a prayer that my kitty would make it to heaven. He told me that his cat had died last year, and he felt much better after he had prayed that it would be in heaven. A nice, though perhaps misguided gesture, I thought.
But I have my doubts about The Cuteness' afterlife abode. A couple months ago little Alicia (after having been scratched by said feline) told her Mom, "The Cuteness wont be able to go to Heaven, because she'll bite and scratch God!"

Monday, October 03, 2005

Memories... and God

Yesterday I was overwhelmed with memories and sorrow. It was beautiful fall day, just like one year ago, and the memories of that Sunday afternoon threatened to undo me.
I went to a nearby park to walk... and talk with God. And even though I wanted it to help, I was afraid it wouldn't. But God knew better. And He came and met me. I walked up a very long, very green hill, and right at the top, amidst the sea of green, was a lone yellow flower. And with tears flowing, I picked up my God flower, and knew that He cared, and that He was watching little me. And like I wrote on my blog regarding one year ago today, "The peace was as real as the tears. The road will be long, the tears will be many, but I truly believe that God has a plan, and its not for me to doubt Him. I’ve done enough of that lately, and its time to trust."