Thursday, October 06, 2005

Oh No - Now I Have Guilt!

So - on Tuesday night I got a call on my cell phone during rehearsal. It was Jill saying that The Cuteness got hit by a car and was in kitty heaven. Blah! Sure, she was a pain in the butt, and sure, I had been in the process of getting rid of her, but ... it was kind of sad!
And Wrangler cried a lot that first night, so I let him sleep on my bed. And every time I would wake up, he'd be curled around my head or arm. Poor little guy.
I told someone here at work yesterday what had happened, and he offered to send up a prayer that my kitty would make it to heaven. He told me that his cat had died last year, and he felt much better after he had prayed that it would be in heaven. A nice, though perhaps misguided gesture, I thought.
But I have my doubts about The Cuteness' afterlife abode. A couple months ago little Alicia (after having been scratched by said feline) told her Mom, "The Cuteness wont be able to go to Heaven, because she'll bite and scratch God!"


Kate said...

Lindsay I am so sorry!! That is sad, even is she wasn't the worlds most perfect cat. Poor Wrangler too. :-(

Booker said...

I am sorry for any sadness you feel. But other than that, well, you know how I felt about that cat. And I tend to agree with Alicia!

On the plus side tho, now you don't have to worry about "fixing" her :)

the Joneses said...

Way to be an optimist, Derrick!

My condolences on the loss of your cat, but I have to say your message on our phone cracked me up.

-- SJ

Rachelle said...

A rapture would have been nicer.... I do hope you get over the guilt of not feeling terribly brokenhearted over the loss. And on the bright side: Aren't you glad you didn't have to personally confess to the murder? Somewhere out there someone is feeling mighty bad that they killed "the sweet kitty." --rlr

TripleNine said...

I want to say something nice and sympathetic, but I'm having trouble coming up with something suitable. At least you still have wrangler to keep you company. Maybe this will make him a little more snuggly.