Friday, October 21, 2005

Keeping Up With the Honeses

As seen in the playbill for "The Boys Next Door" the part of Mrs Warren, Mrs Fremus and Clara will be played by the talented

Lindsay M Hones

It's hard to be a diva with such a difficult last name to spell!


Anonymous said...

No way! Stinken typos. Well, Oprah's birth certificate was a typo. She was supposed to be Orpah, and looked how she turned out! :)

Good luck for tonight and tomorrow!! Sure wish we could be there to see you and throw flowers on the stage when you take a bow! Bough?... uh.. this isn't a typo.. this is drawing a blank! How the heck do you spell that??

Booker said...

Bow is correct :)

And LJ, don't think of it as a typo, think of it as a chance to get in touch with your mexican roots! Wear a sombrero, say things like "hombre" and "chili's" and other stuff. This could be a real turning point in your life :)

CKS said...

So what time do we show up to see "The Mexicans Next Door?"

the Joneses said...

How can you get "Lindsay" right, and "Jones" wrong? Lindsay has about fifty-nine different spellings. There's only one for Jones. It's not a difficult name, even for the most basic proofreader. Oh, proofreader? Knew we forgot something...

Break a leg!

-- SJ