Friday, October 14, 2005

Once again...

...I must let my faithful readers know that there will be a lack of blogging for a bit. As of Sunday, we are going into TECH WEEK for the play, which means that I will be at rehearsal all of Sunday afternoon, and every night from seven to eleven... and then we have OPENING NIGHT a week from tonight!
All that being said, with leaving the house at 6:45 each morning for work, and getting home at 11:15 each night, there wont be a whole lotta time for blogging.
It's all very exciting!! And could I ask that you all pray for a lack of sickness during this time of lack of sleep?
Thanks guys!!


Booker said...

Eat a box of twinkies, the whole box, at once. I hear that is supposed to ward off sickness :)...

Laughter said...

No, no!! Don't listen to him, Linds! Eat onions, I heard they're supposed to ward off the people who carry the germs.


Amy K said...

Hope everything went well on opening night! :) Sounds like your'e having fun!