Monday, January 09, 2006

Create Your Own Clever Title - I'm Fresh Out of Ideas!

I heard a story about a little girl who learned this verse at Sunday school: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Gather which is in Heaven."

Later that day, she asked her mother the meaning of this verse. Her mom said, "Well, it means that when you are good, kind and thoughtful you are letting Christ's light shine in your life before all who know you."

The very next Sunday the little girl got into an argument with another student and created somewhat of an uproar... to such an extent that the teacher had to go and find the little girl's mother.

The concerned mother came and said to her little girl, "Sweetie, don't you remember about letting your light shine for the Lord before others?"

The child blurted out, "Mom - I have blowed myself out!"

Don't you feel like that sometimes??

1 comment:

Kate said...

Rather. :-)