Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pool-y Challenged

You've read about the pool before... that I got stuck inside it while we assembled it.

However, there is a new development.

I'm beginning to wonder if I am the butt of some cosmic joke... if the pool gods are truly against me.

This has been a storm-filled summer here in NH. We've had countless rainy days, varying from short little showers, to severe thunderstorms that wreak havoc.

And these storms have ALL been at times that I've wanted to get in the pool!

During the work week I try and get outside at every break and lunch, just to see the sun, and remember that there is more to life than what happens inside those big walls. And when I go out, it's so hot and sunny, that I spend the rest of the day, back at my desk, thinking about going home and getting in the pool.

For the last few weeks, almost without fail, by the time I get home it's either already raining, severely cooled down, or threatening to rain.

Today was very hot and very sunny. I went to my river spot after church, and got so hot there that I came home to get in the pool. Chatted with Jill for a bit, and changed into my swimsuit. By the time I got into the pool, the grey clouds had completely obliterated the sun, and there was a pretty steady (read: very chilly) breeze.

I quit!


NH Knitting Mama said...

I think you're right...

Booker said...

hahahaha! poor you...

Susan Elizabeth said...

I heard a rumor that there is going to be a VERY HOT spell at the end of this week and into the beginning of August. I have no doubt at all that you will be positively waterlogged by summer's end!

CKS said...

so my rain dances have been bothering you, have they? :-)

ahappywife said...

i was going to say: just swim in the rain, the worst thing that can happen is you'll get wet

then, you said "very chilly", and I remembered you live in NH

I'm sorry!

drewey fern said...

I love you! I love your writing! But I don't love that you can't go swimming:( Maybe the pool gods are making you wait till I can go with you! But I think they should let you go in the meantime, too... Testing the waters, as it were:)