Saturday, December 29, 2007

An Addie-ism

Addie pointed to the silver ring on my thumb...

"Does that mean that you're married?"

"No," I replied. "It just meant that I liked it, so I bought it."

She began to cry.

"I'm SORRY that you're so lonely," she wailed.

I tried to assure her that Aunt Lindsay was just fine with being single, that I'm not exorbitantly lonely.

A minute later she said,

"Well, at least you don't have to bother with a child... or cook larger meals."

Aaaah - the upswings of singledom.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that Addie story!! Uncle Bob & I just laughed & laughed!!

Claire said...

What a hilarious and sweet little gargoyle! My word!

the Joneses said...

It makes me wonder what impression Addie has of a mom who DOES have to bother with children and larger meals! On the other hand, at least she's noticed that's what I do.

-- SJ

Rachelle said...

Count on Addie to help you feel better about being single. :) rlr

Chad, Joanna and Emmie said...

That's a Reader's Digest comment if I've ever heard one. =o)