Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Memory Lane

I was just reading my blog and realized that next month I'll reach my five year anniversary of being a blogger.

So many words - so many memories.

It's strange to go back to the beginning and read it... in fact, some of the posts made me cringe. Not the content as much as the writing style.

And yet as I read, there were common themes. The themes that are still forefront in my life.

Relishing in the joy of being an Aunt
Missing Mindy - and longing for eternity to spend with her
Sometimes struggling against, and sometimes embracing my single status
How growing hurts, but how it's worth it

But most of all... my relationship with Jesus... with all it's raw emotion, and joyful abandon

And I realized, though my writing style has changed, and though I am five years older, happier, and much more grounded... The important things in my life are still the same.

And I was glad.


Aaron said...

I have noticed the same thing as far as writing style with my blog. I have decided that I write better now than I did when I was 16.

Congratulations on blogging for five years. I've enjoyed your posts a lot in that time period.

drewey fern said...

Good for you, Linds! I love that the most important things have stayed the same. And I love how much you've made your blog you:)

Rachelle said...

I love getting an eye into your soul. The miles shrink up a little. Keep on keeping on. With all of it. (I hardly expected a motorcycle when you started this blog.)