Wednesday, February 03, 2010


I was reading a magazine to keep my bored self on the treadmill for longer than three seconds last night, and came across this article about bodies... and how most women feel the pressure to be emaciated, yet the majority of women are nowhere close to that.

At the top of the article, in large font it read "Why are we so hard on ourselves, when the people who love us are so much more forgiving?"

The magazine had gone out to their readers and asked them to finish the statement "My body is..." The only guidelines were that the responders could not say anything negative.

And the answers were beautiful.

My body is...

* tough and stubborn!

* a gift from God.

* freaking awesome!

* fun to live in.

* beautiful and full of talent. I love my body. It's also hungry... almost all the time :)

* short, but thinks it's tall!

* my best friend.

* not perfect. And I wouldn't change it for the world.

So, as I walked on the treadmill and applauded these women in my mind, I wondered what I would write.

And decided I would reply "My body finally gained my respect and love in it's 30th year."

What would you say?


the Joneses said...

I actually intend to do a post on this subject also! Only more ranty than yours. Ha, surprise.

"My body is healthy, happy, and doesn't really seem to care that it's fatter than it was ten years ago."

-- SJ

dozenhalls said...

"a work in progress that proves Sir Isaac Newton's theory on gravity" but hey, if it were perfect, would I work out? no I would not! Nor would I second guess every single piece of sugar I feed it and I think it is GOOD to not give into EVERY temptation :)