Sunday, January 22, 2006

Scared Out of my Skull

I was watching some episodes of "24" this afternoon, and when I do that by myself all my nerve endings are in a heightened state. When I'm ready to go downstairs, I have to get off the couch gingerly, coaching myself on how to walk again... furtively looking right and left for people that might be ready to jump at me with guns blaring.

The last episode I watched ended dramatically with a large power outage. I was cautiously making my way to the stairs, and reached over to turn on the light. As I flipped the switch, the lightbulb blew, causing me great alarm which I showed in screaming at the top of my lungs. I then started to laugh, because it really was funny, but the laughing was kind of half-hysterical... the "assuring oneself that what just happened was really funny" laugh.


the Joneses said...


He he he he. Older brothers are so funny :)


CARmelo said...

I am the same way with scary movies...I have to watch something funny or do something to not dwell on the movie or it will show up in my dreams....

drewey fern said...

Hee hee hee - that is so funny! Wish I'd been there to scream along with you.

Yesterday Melissa and I were blowing up balloons for Uncle Paul's birthday, and one popped. We screeched in perfect unity of tone and terror. And we hadn't even been watching scary movies!

Claire said...

Reminds me of the New Year's Eve when you, me and Sarah were watching a movie and Nicole Kidman began the opening scene by opening her eyes and screeeeaming about two inches from the camera...and we screamed riiiiight along with her.

Anonymous said...

What Nicole Kidman movie is that?

Btw, N and I've started watching 24 and are so hooked I've requested the first season from the library. Apparently so has several other people because I've been waiting for it for nearly 2 weeks now.

Linds said...

Darren - Aren't you the funniest ever!
Melo - I completely agree! I had to sleep w/ the light on a couple nights ago b/c I was so keyed up!
Drewey - I wish you HAD been there. These things are so much funnier w/ someone else!
Claire - that's so funny that you mentioned that!! I was just telling someone about that today at work :)
Sarah - It was "The Others"