Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tales From A Swamp Rat

Yesterday was SO hot at work. I don't know what was going on, but the AC was not really doing it's job.

So, today, when I saw that the sun was shining, I dressed for it to be very warm outside and in. The sun was deceptive, and the AC had begun working.

No worries! I have a jacket in my car for such emergencies. Over break I ran to get it.

I forgot that my car sometimes leaks when it rains, and my new found warmth came with a bad surprise.

It smelled like swamp! Therefore, I smelled like swamp.


Lori said...

A fire swamp with R.O.U.S's?

NH Knitting Mama said...

It's so hard to know how to dress when the weathr is like this.

Booker said...

Ughh, poor you!