Sunday, June 17, 2007

Thinking It Through

This afternoon Evan, Jill & I assembled a pool for the backyard!

As we were putting it up, in my ultimate wisdom I had the idea to get inside the pool to straighten out the bottom while they raised the sides. It worked like a charm! The bottom of the pool was nice and tidy and smooth, and then...


I was STUCK! The sides of the pool were completely raised, coming up to my chin. There was no way out!

So, I stayed in there for 45 minutes while they assembled a ladder to rescue me.

Good times!

PS - Happy Father's Day, Daddy! I think you're pretty much the bomb diggity, and I'm a lucky little girl to be your daughter!


Booker said...

Hahahaha! Now that is funny!

NH Knitting Mama said...

How do you get yourself into these situations?? ha ha... I'm sitting here at MIDNIGHT trying not to laugh too loud as I read this.

Thanks for sharing this story!

wideyed said...

Have you ever read the children's book "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel"?

Lori said...

It would have been more fun if they had put the trampoline in there and you could have bounced out, Tigger style!