Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pix From the Past Month

Pretty much I thank God every day for bringing these two precious friends into my life. The bond that I have with each of them, and that we have as a three-fold-cord is so deep that I wonder at times how it can get any better. And yet, each time we get together, it does.
This is from two Fridays ago when Jill and I went to see "Celtic Woman" in concert at the Verizon. This was to be our first of many pictures that evening, however, all things photo related were turned back at the door, so it ended up being the first and last :)
Vicki T!! My fellow trainer at work. We went to Dunkin Donuts for a coffee break and saw these amazingly large filters. She made a crack at how large they were and I stated my wish to wear one on my head. Our maker of iced coffees heard us and graciously bestowed them upon us as parting gifts.
Luke was one of my best friends through high school... we've been seperated by an entire continent for years, but he's back in NH now, and when we met for coffee, it was as if our high school friendship was just weeks ago. Only now, we are all grown up.
What erases a bad week? A Friday night out with the person who knows you and loves you for all that you are, of course. Last night we went to the best Mexican/American joint around, and between chips, salsa, pina coladas and laughter... friendship washed away the effects of a really l-o-n-g week.


NH Knitting Mama said...

Hi, Linds. Nice pics, glad you're able to surround yourself with loving friends!

drewey fern said...

LOVE! And I miss you now!

Susan said...

Oh Lindsay, what super photos! They would look great framed on on a "Friends Shelf!" Though I have a feeling it wouldn't be long before it would be a pretty crowded shelf! Great idea for a post!