Saturday, March 22, 2008

Quelled By A Child

Tonight I was at dinner with a friend.

Neither said friend or myself is what we would refer to as quiet diners.

Part way through our meal, a family with small children was seated at the table next to us.

As we talked and laughed, their smallest child (I'm guessing two) looked at me and said,



NH Knitting Mama said...

Yikes! I would be mortified if my kid did that to anyone. Of course, I certainly encourage joy and communication. He is not told to be quiet - ever! ha ha...

I miss you.

Happy Easter...

Susan Elizabeth said...

why am I not surprised?

Great post, keep 'em coming!

see you soon!

Aaron said...

Haha! I find this most hilarious. Lindsay, you really ought to tell this kind of story at such times as when we socialize after church...

The Richmond Four said...

LOL! That is about the funniest thing ever!! Did you stick your tongue out?? haha.. j/k of course.. or not. ;)