Sunday, April 27, 2008

Never A Dull Moment

The other night I was over at Evan & Jill's helping Mom get dinner ready.

Tucker came into the kitchen riding a stick horse and wearing a cowboy hat.

He looked up at me with big eyes and said, "Dee - sldfj sfjwoe pee pee hqjaidj fhrjeea."

"Did you go pee pee?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I'm wicked proud of you," I told him, kissing his blonde head.

Then I noticed a large wet spot on his pants.

"Let's go upstairs and get you changed."

"Lindsay, he said that he went pee in your car," said Jed, Tucker's interpreter.

"Tucker, did you go pee in Dee's car?"

He nodded.


"Where in my car did you pee?"

"Show," Tucker said, taking my hand.

Out to the car we went, and Tucker proudly opened the driver's side door to reveal a large wet spot on my seat.

When I went out to my car later, my older brother in all his funniness had put a label on the back of my headrest.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Will Not Be Moved

Today started out sunny... both outside and in my heart.

And on the way to work my heart soared as I sang along with the radio

I will stumble
I will fall down
But I will not be moved
I will make mistakes
I will face heartache
But I will not be moved
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
I will not be moved

This fall I felt like I was constantly being pushed down. Constantly stumbling and making mistakes.

It was tiny, but there was an inner core strength.

And in the last few months as I've begun realizing who I am in Christ, I've felt that inner core grow stronger.

This morning, I was picturing it as a rod down my spine, keeping me upright.

And a rod across my shoulders keeping them broad.

Making a cross.

Because of what Jesus did for me on the cross, I can carry that inner strength wherever I go.

And this afternoon the storms came, not outside but in my heart. I had made some large miscalculations, and suddenly my future, in which I've had so much confidence lately, came crashing down.

I began to revert to the old Lindsay who I'm desperately trying to leave behind. The mental self-flaggalation began, as I berated myself for being so stupid.

God and I spent much of this afternoon in deep conversation, and I came to realize that even though it's so uncomfortable, this is where He wants me... out of my comfort zone.

He doesn't want me to be overconfident in my future... taking pride in the fact that I can take care of myself if I have to.

What's the good of having a God who wants to take care of me, if I don't allow Him to?

It's true. I will stumble. I will fall down. But I Will Not Be Moved.

So, I choose to smile while facing the future. Whatever happens.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I Have New Hairs :)

Business in the front...


Friday, April 04, 2008


RIP little crocus...

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Can This Be??

Is Spring really going to come to NH? It seems as if it might actually happen.

Of course, this is 10 feet away from the flower, but HEY... at least there IS a flower!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Just A Story

Never had the little girl seen a place like this. It was a shop containing all that would make a heart happy.

Some would call it candy, and yet, as she stood there with eyes wide in wonder, she knew that there were no words yet created in the English language that described these treasures.

The smells were unearthly. Like all things loved, condensed in one place.

The colors made her heart ache with their beauty.

Shelves from floor to ceiling, lined with baskets. And each basket containing a better treasure than the one before.

At first, overwhelmed, all she could do was look. Then, she was compelled to feel. Her hands plunging into the nearest basket, bringing what it held to her face so that she could breath in the aroma.

Her smile lit up her entire face. She could feel the joy showing in her eyes. The excitement was too much to bear. She stretched out her arms, face to the ceiling and laughed!

And then, she saw it. On the top shelf. The most beautiful of all.

By this time, those who loved her best had heard her joy, and were coming to share in her wonder and help her with her choice.

Try this one.

That one is perfect!

Have you ever seen anything like this?

As she listened, her eyes kept going back to the treasure on the top shelf. It contained all that she was longing for. All that she thought would bring fulfillment.

But the price tag was standing in her way. It was asking for more than she was willing to give. This one thing that she longed for required a trade.

In order to have that treasure, she must give away her soul.

She didn't even realize that tears were running down her cheeks.

She smiled at the advice of the bystanders, and even willingly held and tasted what they suggested. But her eyes kept straying upwards... to the basket containing her heart's desire.

And then, the walls faded way. Her loved ones disappeared. And she was face to face with the Shopkeeper.

Her heart sang, as she realized, with the distractions gone, that He was the one she was longing for. Not the treasures that came wrapped in shiny paper, nor the smells that filled her with longing.

He held out his arms, and she was enveloped by a love that finally made her heart whole...