Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This afternoon I was lying on my bed in Mike & Rachelle's guest room, with a four year old curled up by side, both of reading, and I thought, "I'm re-teaching my body how to rest."

And I love it.

Taking two classes this semester has been really good for me, especially to prove to myself that I could do it... but it's exhausted me. I'm so grateful that one of the classes is over, and that I'm now on vacation in Washington.

And I realized that part of my rest has been this. There are no expectations on me out here. More than that... I have no expectations of myself for this week.

Rachelle & I lived together in VA for over a year. We already know what to expect from each other.

And beyond being a part of their daily lives, and bask in the joy of seeing them after over a year of being apart, there's nothing else for me to do.

It's been a wonderful break!

When I got in on Saturday, we took the ferry into Seattle, and then went to a fish ladder & botanical garden.

On Sunday, we drove to Mt Ranier, and the weather was amazing, so we could see it from miles away, and had a perfect view from the visitor center at the base. We hiked, laughed, took pictures, and enjoyed the beautiful day and God's amazing handiwork.

Yesterday Mike had to work, but the rest of us stayed in our pajamas for a good part of the morning, and just had a lazy day.

I've gone to bed early each night, and been able to sleep in.

I've gotten to be "Ant Lindsay" (a big difference after being "Ont Lindsay" to all my east coast kids) to a precious four & almost two year old.

There are not many people outside of family that I can truly let my guard down around... maybe that's why I think of Mike & Rachelle as part of my family, because it's so easy to just be me around them.

And to think... I have four more days of this.



Amy K said...

How fun! Enjoy the rest of your visit! Wish we could join you all. :)

Sarah M. said...

I'm jealous. I wish I was there too. Hehe. Have a WONDERFUL relaxing time. You've earned it! :)