Monday, November 10, 2008

A Tad Bit Sad...

My blog has been my happy place since 2004.

For all of those years, whenever anything happened in my life, be it happy or sad, my internal thought process was always, "I can't wait to blog about this."

It's been my way of processing much of what has occurred in these last four years.

Life has been incredibly busy. It always will be.

But this time around my blog has been the first thing to suffer.

And it makes me sad.


Susan Elizabeth said...

Yes, the blogger world has definitely been more quiet for many of us and it IS sad. I miss all the comments from fellow bloggers...and comment was fun...maybe an end to the era...I hope not!

We will keep checking your blog (and many others) for updates! I have always been blessed by what you have posted; happy or sad!

NH Knitting Mama said...

But the good thing is that we have Facebook to communicate on a more immediate level! YAY for that!