Monday, December 06, 2004

An afternoon of dating...

Today Jed & I had a date. After church we started out to Pizza Hut. On the way Jed asked, "Why is it called Pizza Hut. I know the 'Pizza' but what's the 'Hut' for?" I tried to explain perhaps it was because hut is another word for house, and then he came back with, "Maybe it's because the pizza is hot." I didn't ask for an explanation, and he didn't give one.

Cuddled in the booth, he contently munched on a piece of pizza, laid his head up against me & said, "This is fun." I agreed whole-heartedly. And he even got a fabulous dessert of chocolate pudding & vanilla wafers because I had ordered the salad bar. Oh yes, that makes much sense!

Then we stopped at a party store & picked out a big helium balloon for Mrs Partin, a lady in our church who just had knee surgery. The it was off to Wal-Mart where we took a tour of their "play hah" department. For those of you not fluent in Jed-speak, "play hah" stands for toys. He then informed me that every time he goes to Wal Mart he gets a protein bar. Who can fight with tradition? So, he came home with a belly full of pizza, cookies, pudding, lemonade & a chocolate-almond protein bar. I do so love being an Aunt!

On the way home I said "Holy Toledo" (probably about some crazy driver... we're very close to the MA border!) and from the backseat I heard "Holy potato!"

We came back to my house to make a card for Mrs Partin. "Making a card" with Jed means, I drew the front, signed the inside & then corralled him (from running all over my apartment in his sugar-crazed state), thrust a red crayon into his hand & forced it onto the paper. He crazily drew some red scribbles, proclaimed them a "Robotic Airplane" and called it good.

We then met up with Uncle Wesley (my cousin & one of Jed's favorite people) and we all walked down to the Partin's house. It was cold, and about every five feet Jed declared that he needed someone to carry him. I finally asked him whether he planned on being this cranky when we got to Mrs Partin's house. He said, "No - only to you." As we came up the driveway their dogs started barking, and the little man to the right of me said, "Holy potato, those dogs are loud." Another thing to have to explain to the parents... Sigh

Of all the names that I answer to, Aunt Lindsay is definitely my favorite!


the Joneses said...

Waaahhh! We want Aunt Lindsay back down here!!

Kevin said...

>>>and from the backseat I heard "Holy potato!">>>

You make your dates sit in the back seat? Hmmm.

Linds said...

Oh Kevin - perhaps that explains my single status! Maybe I should start dating men who are tall enough & weigh enough to sit in the front seat without fear of the airbag!! :)