Monday, July 25, 2005

Let's Discuss...

So, here's a question to pose to the masses...

Is it considered stealing or being economical if you take extra straws or napkins from a fast food restaraunt? I'm not talking about taking three & only using two. I'm talking about grabbing fistfuls for purposes other than that session of imbibing.

What do you all think?


redsoxwinthisyear said...

Hmmmm... I justify my taking plenty extra by telling myself I may need them if there's a spill, which is very true. But if you're really pilfering tons just for the sake of saving a buck or two at Walmart, that seems pretty shady. Taking plenty of extra straws is just downright thievery.

Kate said...

It's a fine line betweeen taking plenty (we always seemed to need more than we take in our family) for the meal we just bought, and taking extra to keep in the glove compartment. I think it comes under loving your neigbor, in this case your local McDonalds. If everybody took only what they needed then they would spend less money on them...
that's my two cents.

Booker said...

Oooh, an ethical dilemna about fast food places! Hmm, let me see. I am getting something, wait, here it comes-SOCK IT TO THOSE RICH NO GOOD "KILL US BY SERVING US FATTYFOODS" CORPORATE TYPES!!!!

Nah, as much as i would like to say I got that from God, I can't. But enough to use for the glove compartment, sure...

Anonymous said...

Yes it is stealing DUHHH

CARmelo said...

It all depends on your If you take what you think you need then there is no dillema but if you take it to save money you'd spend elsewhere...then it would be stealing...I have seen at peoples houses various ketchup and mustard packets that they use instead of buying it at the store...but like sorjournin, I too work at a restaurant and see the crazy profit a restaurant makes off of things like a soda or a beer and part of the cost is the napkin that is my ramble on the question

Linds said...

Well - thanks for all the thoughts - they're all pretty similar to what I think, but was just wondering what was going on in other's minds. :)

redsoxwinthisyear said...

Linds, does this mean that you're thoughts are contradictory? We've got everything from "it's stealing" to "it's ok to take some for the glove box." So to which side do you lean?

(BTW, I think justification based on amount of profit an "evil" corporation makes is just an excuse, and irrelevant to the ethical question regarding whether it's stealing.)

redsoxwinthisyear said...

In addition, I really do know something about grammar. So know that I know the last post does have an error in it, in case you're wondering...

Linds said...

Well, here goes, Chadleyheim... These are my exact thoughts on the matter :)
I have been along the lines of "Take what you need, but make sure you plan for spills" ever since I was little.
Then on my frequent stops for iced coffee this summer, I took an extra straw (b/c it fit my water bottle excellently) one day, and was completely overwhelmed with guilt for the entire day... then I forgot about it.
I then heard a tale about someone who takes handfuls of napkins & straws at every fast food restaraunt they visit, so they never have to buy them, and I was horrified! Then the guilt over that dumb straw came back again, so I decided to blog about it.
How's that for a play by play of both my thoughts & also how this blog came to be??
As for grammatical errors, they are generally lost on me, so no worries.

redsoxwinthisyear said...

Ok, thanks for the blow by blow. I guess I won't have to pray for your lost soul.

Anonymous said...

I love your tender heart, Lindsay girl! ~Sherri