Monday, July 11, 2005

The Lost is Found

I found my James Taylor CD! Mom & Dad got it for me for Christmas, and I've been missing it for more months than I had the opportunity to enjoy it.
My whole apartment had been searched many times to find this CD. I had looked in every CD case I own... more than once! Peaked under things many time, I had. I looked on top of things (which was quite a task... dragging chairs all over the place), and in things where CDs should never be, in hopes of finding this Musical Master's greatest hits. All of these were to no avail, so I resorted to what every normal human being resorts to... I started accusing people of stealing my music!

"Are you SURE you didn't borrow this CD, and both of us have forgotten about it??"

Well, yesterday Amy & I were out for lunch (North Garden - YUM!) and I was whining once again about this misplaced CD. All of the sudden I had an epiphany! The one place I hadn't look was in my walkman. Within minutes of getting home, I was rifling around for my CD walkman-thing. I held my breath as I opened it up, and there, in all it's beauty, was the longed-for CD!

I felt like a modern day parable. The woman who swept her whole house for the coin - except I'd take James Taylor any day over a coin!!


Booker said...

So, when do you invite us all over and throw a feast for us? I am hungry...

Anonymous said...

He isn't near as cute as Bill Pullman but he can sing and looks aren't everything! Turn off the light and he can sing to you in the dark :)
The lost shall be found....looking forward to seeing you this fall, my friend!
missing you --

Booker said...

How did Bill Pullman get involved here? *looks around* I see no backdoors. A mystery...

Booker said...
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Linds said...

It's a secret that you'll never know - just between me & Geni :)