Monday, December 26, 2005

My Favorite Day

You know how sometimes people ask you what day in the year is your favorite? Or it may be a question on one of those surveys that goes around via email. And most often people reply with a globally recognized holiday. I've always had trouble with that question, because I really don't know what my favorite holiday is. I love them all!
A couple months ago I was thinking about this and realized that December 26th is my favorite day in the year. It's not because there is post-Christmas bliss, though I do enjoy looking at all the things I've received the day before.
The real reason that December 26th is my favorite day is because back in 1979 God sent my two best friends to earth on this day. I didn't even know how special that day was when it happened, because I was just a little over one, but as we've grown and they've become some of my closest confidantes, I've learned to treasure this day above others.
So, Happy Birthday Amy & Drewey. I'm so grateful for both of you, and trust that you have a wonderful day as you turn 26 on the 26th!


drewey fern said...

Oh Dearest Linds, thank you so much! You just added so much - you made this birthday more golden. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Lindsay! I don't think I've ever commented on your blog before, and you may never see this since I'm reading it so much after the fact, but that was the sweetest post ever! You're a treasure!