Sunday, February 19, 2006

Window Down, Window Up!

On Thursday, it was so warm here in NH that I left work early in order to enjoy the Spring-like air! Knowing that it was HIGHLY unusual, and that we probably wouldn't have anything this warm again until July, I wanted to take full advantage of it. I rode the entire way home with my window all the way down, and it felt like a piece of Heaven! There were feelings of goodwill to all people as I happily saw that probably 90% of my fellow travellers also had their windows down. Once I reached my house, I changed and took a very l-o-n-g walk. Ahhh - it felt so good.

Then came Friday. It started relatively balmy, but dropped 30 degrees in the afternoon, and by the time evening was here, we were in the middle of a gigantic wind storm. Some of the surrounding towns still don't have power restored! Saturday was exceptionally cold, with snow squalls, and today was just as chilly. Guess we're back to being in the middle of a NH winter. Oh well - at least there was a glimpse of what's to come.


Rachelle said...

Come for a visit! It should be in the balmy 40s while you are here. You might see some "showers" but they won't involve snow! :) R

the Joneses said...

We got a great snow last weekend. Addie really needs to visit her NH relatives during the winter, seeing how much she loves playing in the snow. Stuart prefers to limit his exposure; I guess he got the Southern genes.

The snow lasted until about Wednesday, when the 50-degree weather melted all of it. Now it's cold again... well, Virginia cold. I'm ready for spring.

-- SJ

Kristi said...

Oh, how weird! We had about the same weather. The mid part of the week was sunny, if not terribly warm. Then on Friday we had severe winds, but it was still sunny and very cold.