Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Things I've Forgotten in the Past Week

* That I had a blog... really, truly, I forgot. So I wasn't not posting because my life is boring, or that I've been too busy, or anything else. I just forgot.

* Several days ago, on the way to work, I went in to get coffee at a little convenience store. When I came out and got in my car I thought...
"Oops - I left my keys in the car.
Oops - I left my keys in the ignition.
Oops - I left my car running."

* At work, I agreed to facilitate a training that would go Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. I didn't remember until last Friday that I would not only be out of the office, but out of the state on both Thursday and Friday.

My hair has been getting darker as I've gotten older, but there was only one thing to do after a week like mine. I went and got my blonde highlights put back in!!


Cara said...

I'm taking a trip to your hair sylist tomorrow. Although my appointment probably won't include highlights. I loved the part about the car...

the Joneses said...

Hmmm. Based on this, might I suggest that in future you drink your coffee before leaving the house? :)


Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Yay for blonde highlites!!! *~D

the Joneses said...

You... forgot... you had a... blog. How is this possible to do? I'm feeling a little lightheaded. Think I need to lie down.

I'm going to pretend that I'd never do the car thing, and laugh at you.

-- SJ

Booker said...

If I wasn't feeling so dumb, I'd laugh at you :-)

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Jones -- your entry made me laugh as I remembered numerous blonde moments we shared together back in the day. Oh, how we used to be silly and giggle together. You still make me smile!! :)