Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lindsay's Ark

No, this post has nothing to do with the kittens being born, or about me seeing a snake last week. It has nothing to with animals at all.

It does however have to do with vehicles (hence the word ark), water (that made the ark float), and me (Lindsay).

On Saturday night we had amazing amounts of rain... So much rain! And each time I would wake during the night to either the pouding of raindrops, or the boom of thunder I'd think, "I sure hope I rolled up my car windows," and then go back to sleep. (In my heart of hearts, I really thought I hadn't, but I was trying to maintain a steady REM pattern)

Finally, at seven o'clock Sunday morning, I got up (it was still pouring!) and went to the window. There, to my major gritting of teeth, was a very rolled-down window. So, I ran out (need I reiterate, STILL POURING!) and when I opened the driver's side door, I was met with almost two inches of rain on the floor of my car... and there was about that much on the passenger's side as well.

I scooped out large amounts of water with my hands, and then rolled up the windows. By this time I was more wet than I sometimes am when I've taken a shower. The floor still had water on it, and the seats were sopping, but I'd done what I could while the deluge was still coming down.

Later that afternoon, I got out the shop-vac and (with Jill's help, as the "on" button doesn't keep it on unless continually pressed) took care of most of the water.

As I travelled to work Monday morning I sat perched on the very front of the seat, covered with a towel, and couldn't lean back for fear of getting wet. And evidently there were pools that I hadn't discovered with the shop-vac, because whenever I'd come to a sudden halt, a tidal bore formed around my feet.

And, as Nanny McPhee so succintly puts it, "hmmh."


Booker said...


I laughed indeed...

Aaron said...

Oh no! That sounds awful. Way to make it sound hilarious, though. I like the Nanny M. quote. :)

Cara said...

NOOOOOO! Whenever I think about Nanny McPhee's grunt I spend hours trying to imitate it and get it just right. Aargh. Or should I say, hmmh.

The water in your car sounds wicked frustrating, although it made me laugh.

Unknown said...

Oh, that's terrible! Hope it's gone down by today, though(Thursday). I need to see Nanny McPhee one of these days. Everyone makes it sound so funny...

Claire said...

What is it about you and your car that makes some of the funniest stories?
( I'm thinking of the painful one in the middle of the night)

The part about Jill and the shop vac made me laugh because it sounds like a new take on the joke, " How many people does it take to..." ( fill in da blank...)

You poor thing.