Sunday, March 04, 2007

Spring Has Spru... NO It Hasn't!! This is NH!

Yesterday was so beautiful... for a few hours! I opened my door to see the sun shining and the air all Spring-ish. I walked to my car to retrieve some items and said aloud to myself, "It smells so good out here," and made very many I'm-happy-it's-almost-Spring noises.

Then, my feet found a patch of ice, and my happy chantings changed instantly to an enraged Lindsay, sprawled on all fours howling about how much I HATE Winter!

I am now sporting bruises, scrapes & bumps on BOTH KNEES & BOTH HANDS!

PS - I was telling Mom & Dad about this over the phone, hung up, and promptly shut my finger in a kitchen drawer. Good GRIEF!


Susan Elizabeth said...

My poor Lindsay!! And to think I only had a measly little old headache! Falling on ice is much worse!!
Have a great week!
p.s. thanks for the phone call, it meant soo much!

Susan Elizabeth said...

I really do hope you have a great week! That wasn't said with any sarcasm at all...just total seriousness!! (it read weird to me after I posted it...)

Janice Phillips said...

hahaha (laughing WITH you), sounds like the other night when I broke a glass in the sink and had to fish pieces out of the disposal, burned two fingers on a pot, and blew up my microwave all w/in 10 minutes. I was NOT amused.

the Joneses said...

Do you know, when your brother hurts himself, he doesn't get ragingly angry? So he just has to deal with the pain, not the urge to kill somebody at the same time. I don't understand how he works.

Of course I wouldn't laugh at the thought of you on all fours raging about winter.

-- SJ

Unknown said...

All I can say is: Oh, Lindsay! (in a sympathetic tone)

NH Knitting Mama said...

Some days we're the pigeon, others we're the statue.

~jenna said...

well put amanda1 :)

drewey fern said...

LINDsay, DEAR! Things like that shouldn't happen to people as wonderful as you! But way to make lemonade by creating a great post out of the situation:)

Booker said...

ouch. Hope its better by now...

lis said...

Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad moment!
