Monday, November 07, 2005

There's this girl...

... in my new training class that has a penchant for throwing out random questions or comments. Today, I was training the masses on how Oxford covers Chiropractic care, and she raised her hand. I've learned to cringe on the inside when I see her hand go up... I spend most of my day cringing, as she's constantly asking/telling something.
This afternoon was no different. In the middle of expounding on Oxford's policy regarding chiropractic care, came this question.
"Um, I don't know if this has anything to do with what we're talking about right now, but... Why did Forrest Gump have those braces on his legs."



Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Lindsay.. I know what you are going through with that girl.. But I hope you have a wonderful birthday today and no stress at work... I love you...

Today, you are a little wiser,
truer to yourself,
and more confident and comfortable
than you were the year before.
You are stronger and deeper on the inside
because of the experiences
life has given you,
and softer around the edges
because of the things
you have let go of along the way.

You are clearer about your dreams
and your purpose…

…and richer because of the laughter,
love, and friendship
you have shared.

And the gifts you have gathered
just make you all the more beautiful.

Booker said...

Yay for Happy Birthdays indeed!!!!

So have a great one and get lots of presents and have a blast! :)

Love you lots Cuz...

Mrs. RF said...

I echo the sentiments- have a lovely birthday!

Love you!

Amy K said...

Happy birthday Linds!

Anonymous said...

LOL! What a random girl! Have you ever seen Becker? It's a sitcom with Ted Danson (sp), and he has this assistant that is totally loopy like that! He just gets so frustrated with her, but it sounds just like this girl. Anyway, hang in there - she won't be in the class forever (right?). :)

Kate said...

Happy, happy birthday! Much, much love to you. You are awsome!

And sorry you have to deal with so much randomness! Apparently she was never taught how to deal with vagrant thoughts. :-)

redsoxwinthisyear said...

Sounds like your student has not yet gotten past the highschool freshmen stage, when students are apt to come up with such random questions on occasion.

And Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", the new one. We just watched it this weekend because Ryan works at Blockbuster :) Anyway, one of the Grandma always makes random comments. My favorite is, "I love grapes!" When she makes her random comments, think GRAPES!
I love you, dear friend! Happiest of birthdays and hurray for your Mama being there!!!

Anonymous said...


Happy birthday. Hope it was a great one!

Isaac Demme said...


Yeah, and have a fabulous birthday!

er... it is midnight .... oh well, have a fabulous tomorrow!

CKS said...

So why DID Forrest Gump have those braces on his legs?

Linds said...

Forrest Gump had braces on his legs because he had polio, so I found out from another lady in the class...