Thursday, April 20, 2006

You've Heard of Multi-Tasking...

... but have you heard of Multi-Injuring?? It's the newest big thing! This happened while my old computer was being laid to rest, and before my new one came in... so if you've heard this saga, feel free to skip. If you haven't, enjoy! :)

You know Dick VanDyke in "Mary Poppins" and how he plays all those instruments at the same time? I felt like him, except with injuries several Friday nights ago.
I woke up in the middle of the night with my back hurting VERY badly! Sometimes when my back hurts, it effects my stomach as well, so not only was I in excruciating pain, but I was also nauseous. I tried to massage my back for a bit, but it didn't help, so I decided to get my pain meds. Only thing is, they were out in my car.
So here I was, wrapped in my bathrobe, out at my car at 2:30 in the morning, digging in the dark through my bag to find my ibuprofen. Imagine my relief when I found it! But, because it was late and I didn't want to wake up Evan and Jill with slamming car doors, I tried to close it quietly. I succeeded in closing it quietly, but I also succeeded in closing my thumb in the door as well. Haven't done that in years, and the pain was beyond intense!
As I stumbled into my apartment with tears streaming down my face, I thought about that whole thing of "if you're in pain, hurt something else, and it will take your mind off the original pain." And I thought very angry thoughts to the person who first said that, because it's not true. All that happens is that there are now three things that hurt instead of just two!
I was standing in the kitchen trying to pour a glass of water with which to take the pills, and my back was spazzing, my stomach was threatening to expel all of it's contents and my thumb was throbbing. On the microwave the time glowed 2:38 & I remember thinking, "I don't think I've ever cried at 2:38 in the morning before."
My queasy stomach finally won out, and I went running to the bathroom. After finishing in there, I grabbed my ice pack and went back to bed with ice on my back, a less upset stomach and a still-throbbing thumb.
When I woke up (later) Saturday morning, and was putting on my makeup, I saw that in my stomach's vigor of expelling all the contents from the night before, I had broken all the blood vessels underneath my eyes! And that just made me laugh out loud!

So, Dick Van Dyke - eat your heart out! I'm well on the way to being just like you... only different!


CKS said...

I didn't know physical pain could be so funny...or SOUND so funny. I'm ashamed at myself for laughing as hard as I did, but isn't that your intention? I hope so. Because otherwise I'm a bad friend.

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

OOOWWWWWWWW!!! The Cowpoke doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at yer description of ailments and events but he does hope you'll be much better very soon! 8~/

Claire said...

Po Winzee. I'm sowee.

Mrs. RF said...

Oh, you poor dear! (she said sadly, while trying to stifle the chuckles.)

Rachelle said...

Oh Lindsay.... That makes me cry. And you are so nice....I am rarely thoughtful when in pain. -rlr

ljm said...

So sorry, Lindsay!

Booker said...

man, that stinks...

lis said...


And nobody there at 2:38 to say, "I'm sorry, Lindsay!"

So if that happens again, feel free to call me. I'll probably be up!


Prayin' your back behaves itself, and you do NOT have a repeat!

Linds said...

Wow - I'm amazed by the outpouring of support. That wasn't the reason I wrote this... I just thought it was such a funny comedy of errors, that it was too priceless to not blog!

Isaac Demme said...

"So, Dick Van Dyke - eat your heart out! I'm well on the way to being just like you... only different!"

Up until that point I was wincing sympathetically -- now I'm afraid I can't help myself and I'm laughing out loud.