Thursday, April 27, 2006

Drama In Fake Life:

In Which Our Heroine Is Kidnapped!

I almost never remember my dreams. In fact, it's a rare occasion when I do, and I get all excited. On Sunday night I had a dream, and was thrilled that I remembered it in great detail Monday morning. The strange thing is I hadn't been watching any intense TV, movies, or reading any thrilling books. And as far as rich food, Jill and I had gone to the 99 on the way home from Craig's concert, but I would hardly call what we ate rich food... or good, for that matter, but I digress!


I'd been kidnapped, but got on a plane to get away from my abducters.

Uh - oh... One of the kidnappers followed me onto the plane, so I was still in grave danger.

We landed in Montreal (b/c that's where ALL abductees go) and I ran toward the rental car place, but alas, I had no cash.

Conversation with myself, about the dilema, as I'm running, "I don't have any cash, but if I use my debit or credit card, they'll be able to trace me to which car I rented, and know that of course I'm driving home to NH." WHAT TO DO?!?

Then, I saw the kidnapper... and I KNEW who he was! His curly hair disguise didn't fool me! NPR, I'd know you anywhere... and why were you trying to kidnap me, anyway??

Because I couldn't pay cash, and wisely wouldn't put the rental on my credit card, I pulled a move that will put me in line to be the next Jack(queline) Bauer! I hid under the table of the rental car place!

And as much as I tried to go back to sleep, I couldn't, so we'll never know if:

A) I made it back to NH safely?

B) I did make it home, how did I get a car? Or did I find another way?

C) Whether NPR ever got his hair straightened after having it curly.


Avalanche Cowpoke said...

Ol' 'Lanche sez---borrow a hoss---what self respecting kidnapper would ever look twice for his prey to be on a hoss! The Cowpoke sez now go back to sleep and dream of ridin' hosses---but not the kind you drop a quarter in at the supermarket---they just don't cover ground very fast when you're trying to flee...!!! 8~)

Claire said...

Hee hee! Speaking of Jacqueline Bauer,:), I think of you often after we watch 24 and I'm trying to adjust back into real life...remembering the tale about how the post 24 jitters got to you when the lightbulb blew out, scaring you out of your skull....

Booker said...

Good job with hiding under the table! A stroke of PURE genius :-)

I laughed so loud at that, thanks...

Anonymous said...

Me thinks you've been watching too much '24'? ;-) Very funny. I love dreams like that... so long as I don't awake stressed out.

the Joneses said...

You were kidnapped by National Public Radio? That really is odd... :)

-- SJ