Back in June, I posted about my leaking car that turned my "I-need-to-wear-this-jacket-because-the-AC-at-work-was-on-overdrive" jean jacket into a thing reeking of swampness.
This morning I pulled out that same jacket, because Fall is fast descending on this great state!
And as I did so, I got a strange whiff... of swamp.
WHO, I ask you, in ALL OF CREATION just hangs a swamp-smelling jacket up in the coat closet without WASHING the swampness out of it first?? Just so that two months down the road, one can be surprised all over again by the joy of repelling all those around them with the stench.
Apparently, that would be me.
"Essence of Swamp" could be attractive....if you're a turtle, frog, duck, or the Creature from the Black Lagoon!!
miss your face!
yuck, think it would be a good idea to wash that now that you had a walk down memory lane ;)
:-) for being a funny post
:-( for it being cold enough to need that jacket...
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