Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Things I Love...

* Being pampered

* Uncle Rick & Aunt Kath

Things I love a LOT

* Being pampered BY Uncle Rick & Aunt Kath!

(this past weekend was spent in Maine... drinking coffee on the swing looking at the lake, going out to eat, napping in the hammock, going out in the kayak, tubing, swimming, l-o-n-g afternoon boat ride, movie watching, lots of wonderful chats, and being LOVED by two people whom I adore!)


NH Knitting Mama said...

Glad you had a good time.

Susan Elizabeth said...

Sounds picture perfect! Relaxing is one of my favorite pastimes! (add coffee and it's almost perfect!)

Rachelle said...

She swam...without being rained upon or being struck by lightning. Hurray! -rlr

Booker said...

and do they know HOW to pamper!

Anonymous said...

Some of my very favorite people in the world : )

Glad you had some wonderful R&R time!


drewey fern said...

Yay! I'm so happy you had some relaxing time!