Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Flying to VA

I made a quicker than quick trip to VA this weekend. I arrived at 9:30 Sat morning & left at 5:00 Sunday evening. It was roughly 30 hours, but it was a wonderful time, filled with love & happiness. Here are a few of the highlights:

*Long chats & lunch with Nathan & Audra (my angels who brought me there!)
*Going to the Lisk’s Fall Football party & seeing so many people in one fell swoop
*Hugging Darren, Sara & the kids
*Addie & Stuart sliding on their bellies down the fridge box in their living room - they looked like little blonde otters
*Watching the Red Sox game with Earl & Geni
*My catch-up chat with Geni - we turned in early this time, only staying up til ... 2:45 am
*Seeing loved ones at BRBC (too many to recount here) & getting a tour of the new church building
*My little silver Grand Am rental car with New York license plates. I loved the irony of driving around with my Red Sox sweatshirt on... I’m lucky I wasn’t shot for being disloyal!

Some friendships peter out when both parties are not geographically close. With those in VA I’m blessed that there are so many who are just as close whether I see them every week like I used to, or every eight months, like it is now.


Rachelle said...

The only thing missing is "Spent time with Mike, Rachelle & Ben." Oh well! 9 more days.

Rose said...

Sure wish we could have overlapped visits! Whirlwind visits can be exhausting but they're soooo fun, aren't they? You get so much fun crammed into a short space of time! Maybe we'll see you next trip. Hurry up, someone back there get married and we'll all HAVE to come out for the wedding! =)