Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Phantom Dishwasher

I got home from work today, exhausted in body & spirit, and as I came in the door I turned to tackle the mountain of dirty dishes that had been looming for far too long. My tired eyes took in a magical sight! The mountain of dishes had moved from one side of the sink to the other, and were all sparkling clean, happily drying in the drainboard.

After a call or two, I found my angel of mercy. Cherilyn had brought the kids down to get the mail & since it hadn't come, they all decided to wait in my house with The Cuteness. And while she waited, she washed my dishes. Bless the mailman's heart for being late, and bless Cherilyn's heart for making a tired heart sing. Have I mentioned lately how much I love living on Chestnut Hill??


the Joneses said...

Lucky you! We're always waiting for such things to happen at our house, but so far, they don't. Blah. --DJ

the Joneses said...

Maybe we should get a cat. Or friends like Cherilyn. :) -- SJ

Megan said...

Linds -- I found you!! Didn't know that you had a blog. I miss you, darling!! Glad that life is going well for you!!