Wednesday, October 20, 2004

When you're a Red Sox fan...

... you are easily spotted by your baggy eyes & triumphant smile! Who would have thought it? The Red Sox have risen out of the ashes of 3 losses to win three straight games in a row. Everyone in New England is extremely sleep deprived, and I’m beginning to wonder if I’m getting an ulcer. (A constant wondering on my part every time I get stressed out!!) I want them in the World Series so badly I can taste it! Even my precious little Ben ( is involved in the games. Sadly for him, his Dad is on the wrong side. (Its ok, Ben - I’ll be seeing you in a couple weeks & I’ll give you the real perspective then.) Tonight the waiting will be over, and I’ll be able to get some sleep... until the World Series begin, that is.

1 comment:

the Joneses said...

They won! They won! On to the World Series!! --DJ