Friday, October 01, 2004

An Ode to Friendship

I was reminded today of how grateful I am for the friends that God has blessed me with, when I saw a portrayal of what others may treasure in a friendship.

As I've been training the last couple weeks at Oxford, I've gotten to know the ten people in my class quite well. They're a lively bunch & all love to have a good time. On Wednesday, the liveliest of the bunch had a miscarraige. She, understandably, was devestated. While waiting to hear from the doctor's office whether what she feared had indeed happened, she announced to the class, "If I lose this baby I'm going out on Friday night to drink myself into oblivion and you're all invited." Amid cheers, though somewhat subdued due to the nature of the party, she was assured by most of the class that they'd be there.

Today she was back, and the entire day while I was training, the shout would go up, "Not much longer til 4:30!" They were all excited to watch & join in as this devestated woman literally drowned her sorrows, starting the minute they would all leave the building.

Having just gone through a difficult time, (though not nearly as traumatic as a miscarraige) I realize the importance of deep friendships. When I let some of my friends know what had just happened, I got the most supportive emails or phone calls. Most of them brought me to tears, but one in particular stands out in my mind. My precious friend, Geni, informed me that she'd woken up several nights in a row & layed awake praying for me. What a gift. What more can a friend ask for?

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