Thursday, September 30, 2004

A Modern Day Medicine Woman

I would not make a good Christian Scientist. Medicine is way too important to me. It would not be too strong a statement to say that I love the meds I’m on right now. They are powerful! On Sunday, the doctor at the ER prescribed three. All three of said pills have five or more warnings on their respective bottles... Things like "Will make you dizzy" - "May cause drowsiness" - "Don’t take with alcohol" - "Don’t drive a car" - "May cause dry mouth" - "Do not exhale for 45 minutes after taking this."

So, my daily ritual is now:
*Get up & go to work
*Take meds as soon as I get there, because I’m done driving for 8 ½ hrs
*Careen through the day at Oxford, grabbing onto desks & tables for support
*Take meds fifteen minutes before leaving for the day, so that the drowsiness & dizziness don’t hit until I get onto Chestnut Hill Rd
*Stumble into my house & change into my pajamas
*Take a nap for 1-2 hrs
*Get up & attempt to get a few things done
*Go to bed between 9-10

But its ok, I’m not addicted. I could stop anytime... Honest...

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