Tuesday, September 28, 2004

ER - a vast disappointment

It became very clear to me on Sunday night that Michael Crichton does not visit the Elliot hospital emergency room for fodder when writing intensely dramatic screenplays for his Emmy Award winning TV drama, ER! There were no incredibly handsome doctors running to heal me. There were no heart-rending pleas for me to come back to the land of the living. There were no medical professionals sitting by my bed with silent tears flowing down their cheeks.

All I got was a long wait, a five minute (if I’m being generous) consult with a doctor , (who did NOT look like Noah Wylie) a shot, a pill & three prescriptions! Definitely not enough to entice me back again... Sure, the medication did help my back (oh yes - the reason I went to the ER... spasms in my back that made it almost impossible to walk) and that’s all I should have been expecting, but would it have been so horrible to have George Clooney make a guest appearance?

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