Thursday, September 23, 2004

The Voice of Truth

Doubt has been one of the loudest voices in my head lately. Thoughts like, "Perhaps God doesn’t really have my best in mind," and various other misguided (though I daresay human) thoughts. Jill & I were talking on Saturday and in answer to my "Why did God do this to me?" question, she said, "Maybe God didn’t do this to you. Maybe He just let it happen." I’ve been mulling that over throughout the week, and its given much peace. Then on the way to work this morning I heard a song by Casting Crowns about how doubt can take over our lives, but...

When I stop & listen to the sound of
Jesus singing over me…
The voice of Truth tells me a different story
The voice of Truth says “Do not be afraid.”
And the voice of Truth says “This is for My glory”
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen & believe
The Voice of Truth

1 comment:

the Joneses said...

Hey, I heard this song the other day, during one of the rare times I listened to CCM. After it finished, I exclaimed out loud, "That's a great song!" Then I realized it was the same one you'd written about. Now isn't that cool? -- SJ