- The kittens are getting cuter every day. The Cuteness got outside yesterday while I was trying to leave for church. I wanted her to be inside, attending to her children while I was away attending to my soul, so I begged and pleaded for her to come in. No such luck. I then resorted to drastic measures. Running to the box, I picked up a poor little eyes-still-shut kitten, and held it at the open door. That paragon of feline motherhood looked over at her bleating kitten, and walked the other way.
- Yesterday, Amy & I drove down to Rhode Island together for Andrea's graduation party. (Yay for you, Drewey!) On the way we stopped at the grocery store to get lunch. Amy got clam chowder - I got a salad. Salads are not easy to eat while you are driving, so Amy would eat a little of her chowder, then reach over and take the wheel, and I'd eat a little of my salad. It worked wonderfully.
- New moms are funny. Perhaps I think they're funny because I haven't been one, and will act just like them when I have my first child, but right now I just think they're funny. I went to visit a friend of mine who's baby is one month old today. While there, during our conversation, I swallowed wrong and tried to discreetly cough. New Mom handed me hand sanitizer, "Just in case you want to hold the baby again - we don't want her getting a cold." No colds, just inability to swallow my own spit, thanks!
The scary thing is, I'm not a mom either - new, old, or any kind- and yet, I throw Purell/sanitizer on people who even look like they're going to sniffle.
I love listening to young moms gossiping about the lastest child discipline technique and the best brand of diapers. Makes me wonder what I and my friends will sound like in years to come....
Your New Mom blurb made me chuckle, especially as I'd just swabbed Peter's hands upon returning from Walmart where some elderly cashier was adoring and germifying him. But generally I only get a passing twinge as I pick up his discarded toys from unthinkably grimy floors ( not mine of course, the store's ( : )), figuring that it builds his immune system. It helps that he hasn't yet been sick so I'm still feeling secure in my laxitude. PTL for healthy children!!
So...here I am again...to finish my comment. It's just like how it used to be with Friday 9:00 hr testimonies...I forgot HALF of what I was going to say! So...if I'm this badly hypersensitive with the Purell stuff NOW...I shudder to think what I may be like someday with a child!
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