Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Jed's Food Pyramid

The other night I was at Evan and Jill's for dinner. Jill had made her delicious chicken fajitas, and all were enjoying them except Jed, who loathes chicken. They make him a special one that has cheese, sour cream and a small piece of chicken hidden somewhere in the wrap.
After finishing his first one, Jed requested a second. Jill made him one, leaving out the chicken, (as he'd already gagged a piece down in his first one) but slipping in a piece of tomato. Sadly, Jed saw the red piece of grossness go in, and began to howl.
Jill, being the wise mother that she is, told him she had left out the chicken, but put in a vegetable, because (in true mother style) "You need to eat your vegetables."
"BUT CHICKEN IS VEGETABLES," wailed her firstborn.
After some questions, it was discovered that "vegetables" are anything food-wise that he doesn't like to eat.
And there you have it!


CARmelo said...

so in my food pyramid seared ahi tuna is a vegetable.

the Joneses said...

Good definition of vegetable, in my opinion. I definitely have a smart nephew.

Good eye on seeing the tomato, too. You can never be too careful about avoiding those things.


Rachelle said...

It sounds like I need to talk to Jed about vegetarianism.... I don't eat it because it is icky but it is socially acceptable when you are a "vegetarian." I know some "vegetablarians" and it doesn't work so well for them. -rlr

Booker said...

sounds like he and Joe Demme should get together. Joe has a post on his xanga about pizza being the perfect food since it covered ALL areas of the food pyramid.

poor Jed, not realizing what a cook his mom is. Maybe when he's older and wiser, lol...

ps, my wident was meowxzac. is that something like prozac for cats?

CKS said...

He doesn't like CHICKEN??? What is WRONG with that child!!! And tomatoes!!! "Ah, Marilla, how much you miss..."

Good thing I'll love him to death no matter what his faults...

Amy K said...

Very funny. Don't you love the logic of children? :)

P.S. We missed seeing you in VA - In my mind all the places are the same so all the people should be the same too. NOT so! Sigh ...

Jill said...

As if Jed not liking chicken isn't strange enough, the poor child doesn't like cookies or gravy either. And there are only two vegetables he can tolerate.
Steak is out of the question. Almost every day he asks me what's for dinner, and if he doesn't like the answer, he asks if we can just fake it that night and let everybody choose what they want. I guess we've done that too many times!