Saturday, November 26, 2005


* Jed and I just went to see "Chicken Little." Very funny, and even had a reference to Star Wars, that made his little heart sing

* I braved the masses yesterday to go and get a lap top at a VERY good price. I got there 15 minutes after the store opened (at 5:15 am, to be exact!) and they were SOLD OUT! Angry eyes at all the people who had thought of scraping their cars off the night before!

* My Thanksgiving was made especially happy by a voicemail from MATT!! I haven't been able to talk to him since May, what with him being under water on a sub and all, so what a treat to hear his voice!

* Last night a whole bunch of the "kids" (Amy, Andy, Derrick, Wesley and Douglas) who grew up on Chestnut Hill at the same time I did, and are currently residents of Singleton, converged on my home for games. We had a fabulous time playing Cranium and Taboo.


drewey fern said...

I was going to get the same laptop, only I had a dear brother-in-law who was going to pick it up for me, and met with the same sold-out fate! Sigh. Next time...

Hurrah for a voice mail from Matt!!!

drewey fern said...

PS. Did he have any angry words to say about an inbox filled to maximum capacity with pictures of us? I'm still kind of nervous about that:)

Kristi said...

Singleton? Ha ha, I think I live in a different suburb of that town!

Booker said...

Well, whoever the mayor is, I know I'm not voting for him! I've been here 27 years and haven't been able to leave! That just seems un-American to me, lol...

TripleNine said...

Ditto to Ryu! I've put in several petitions for changes and nothing has ever happened.

Way to be a great hostess time after time.

Laughter said...

May the town meet this end:


v : tear down so as to make flat with the ground; "The building was levelled" [syn: level, rase, dismantle, tear down, take down, pull down]

Marie said...

Boy all these "singletown" comments. Should I encourage ya'll about singleness being a gift...etc... or say count me in...where's the waiting list?
It's 2 sided huh:)

We could start a community...for real! JK...anyways:)

I enjoy it when they put Star Wars comments, whatever you call them in movies:)Like in Toy Storey...Linds...I enjoy your blog:) If you want Check out my blog for a link to one by Matt's wife Lexi... may get some info on Matt's life...Take care:)

Kristi said...

Matt is married?? Did I know that or did it totally slip my mind?

Kristi said...

Wait a minute...which Matt is everyone talking about? I thought Lindsay was talking about Matt Stamps, but which one were you thinking of, Marie??

Laughter said...

Kristi, Lindsay was talking about Stamps. Marie mentioned her brother.

CKS said...

I am the mayor of Singleton.

And Clyde was going for the same laptop deal (with free all-in-one printer and wireless G-card included?) and he got there BEFORE five and still met no luck, because they gave out vouchers to fifteen of the 85 people who were there before him. Rotten luck for all.

Kristi said...

Huh, I don't remember that mayorial election. Or did you appoint yourself, a la Napoleon?