Thursday, November 24, 2005

With Thankful Heart

All week I have been so happy... and so thankful. And it wasn't just the fact that I had completed a difficult training class at work, or that I only had to work three days! I love Thanksgiving - love the opportunity to focus on all that I have to be thankful for. Not that I don't do that on a regular basis, but it's fun to know that most everyone else is doing it at the same time.
And this year, I've realized once again, how very much I have to be grateful for. The older I get, the less I take things for granted, and this year I've realized what an incredible life God has blessed me with.
Last night we had a Thanksgiving service at Chestnut Hill, and it was so rich. There were so many people there, and the response was amazing... person after person standing up and giving God thanks for all that He's done in this passed year. It went for over an hour, and then people stayed around talking and laughing - realizing how very fortunate we are.
Between talks with Jill as we got ready for the service, and having Derrick and Wesley over for a bit after church, and a long talk with Mom on the phone after everything died down, I realized once again how much I love the family God has put me in. And how rare the bond that we have is. And how fortunate I am that some live so close by.
I woke up this morning to snow falling, and the first snowfall is always so beautiful. I opened my shades to see two of my favorite little ones bundled up in snow clothes, tentatively waddling around, exploring the white stuff.
And in the tradition that we've always had in our house, here's my list of other things that I'm thankful for from this past year.

- Mom & Dad, and almost daily contact with them
- Being next door to Evan and Jill... not just across the field, like last year
- Seeing Darren and Sara's family several times throughout the year... all five of us driving in the convertible to get ice cream
- Being back on Chestnut Hill (I never get tired of being thankful for that!)
- Our family vacation in August
- My little apartment
- Drewey & Amy
- My whole group of friends, and the times we've been able to get together through out this year. God has been so good to give us such an incredible support system and bond as we all trek through this stage of life
- Contentment in the stage of life that I'm in right now. I love my life, and have complete peace
- The Boys Next Door - it opened up a whole new world that I, Lindsay Hones, got to relish in for those two months... and am still reliving and loving
- My new car, that will help me get safely through this winter
- Being a trainer at Oxford - I love finally being able to answer "Yes, I like (sometimes even love) my job!"
- The cruise - it came completely out of the blue, and was an amazing time of having fun and once again realizing how much I have to enjoy in life
- The Josh Groban concert with Amy
- Being an Aunt - it fills me with daily joy to know that I have five nieces and nephews whom I adore
- My VA friends - blogs have allowed me to keep in more frequent contact with them, as well as a trip down in Sept for Kerin's wedding where I was able to spend some quality time with several
- My cell phone... hurray for the technology age! Blogs and cell phones are on my list, but it's b/c of who's on the other end of them. I am VERY grateful that Verizon hasn't figured out the Nova Scotia is not part of the US, as I can call Mom & Dad under the plan that I have, and now Drewey has Verizon so we can talk as much as we want for FREE- and I'm thankful that Mike & Rachelle live three hours behind me, as they are my late-night driving companions!
- A renewed vision and a deeper relationship with my Jesus. These past few months, it's been amazing for me to see where He's brought me, and a joy at knowing He'll take me further and deeper when His timing is right

And as I think of those that I know might read this, I feel like Paul when he said, "I thank my God always concerning you..." Happy Thanksgiving, my friends - and may you each have a special day, basking in the knowledge that we serve a God who delights in giving us our heart's desires!


Booker said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

So very glad to know you Lindsay! Wish we could spend more time together talking. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Love and hugs from,
Susan Fulone

Mrs. RF said...

Sigh- well done. And a glorious Thanksgiving to you. We do have so much to be thankful for.

Even- no snow on Thanksgiving for us this year!!!!!

ljm said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful, Linds. I was pondering this year at how often we do not give thanks, and I was struck with a sort of sadness. I want to live EACH day - 24/7 - in full gratitude. I want to constantly remember that every single good thing only comes from our Heavenly Father. We would not have one gift or blessing if it weren’t for Him allowing it.

I really miss our “I’m thankful for…” emails, so here’s a few:

- clocks
- a Mom who cleans up my kitchen before I get my lazy butt out of bed
- oranges
- precious little ones who bring so much joy to our lives
- warm, fuzzy slippers
- the Weather Channel
- stretchy skirts

Happy Thanksgiving, Lindsleigh! Much love to you.

Amy K said...

Thanks for sharing your list! I truly appreciated reading it and reflecting on how good God is. He's blessed us with so much ... with both big and little things.