Monday, July 10, 2006

Tales From the One-Eyebrowed Wonder

On Saturday I was getting ready to go to party where I would see people that I hadn't seen in several years. In preparing for said party, I was in front of the mirror working on my eyebrows. I plucked (Sorry for those opposed to saying/typing/talking about words like that in public - it's my blog and my life is an open book) until I was very happy with the shape.

Then remembering that when I get them waxed, the person generally trims them a bit, I got out my little scissors, and started to trim.

After the first snip, I took the scissors away, and there was a large chunk of very bald skin in the middle of my right eyebrow. I burst out laughing... then burst into tears. And spent the next several minutes going back and forth in beween the two emotions.

I called Mom in a panic. She said, "Just use your eyebrow pencil, fill it in, and don't tell anyone, and it'll be fine." I used the first part of the advice, but only made it about an hour and a half without telling anyone!

The good thing is, no one started at my appearance, and there was a lack of staring at my right eyebrow, so I think that I successfully fooled the masses... at least the masses that I didn't tell!


Anonymous said...

How come when a guy cuts himself shaving, it's considered MANLY...but we make one minor mistake with our brows....and we have to use an eyebrow pencil? YOU LOOK MAH-VEL-OUS DAH-LING!!! We love you sweetie!!!
Sue and Mel

Claire said...

Don't you hate that? Something so embarrassing and yet something you just HAVE TO TELL people because it's so funny/weird/awful!

Booker said...

because guys don't shave their eyebrows, lol...

Linds said...

Some guys DJ - some guys! :)

Carrie said...

I know how you feel. I cut my bangs yesterday with a pair of dull kitchen scissors. Very very bad idea. Hmmm...I wonder if your eyebrows will look prickly when they start to grow back. You will have eyebrow stubble. That will be nice!! :)

ljm said...

I've over-plucked before too and it's quite embarrassing...although I think we notice it more on ourselves than anyone else!

Booker said...

you have no idea how grossed out I am right now, lol...

CKS said...

Of course, the other option (which somehow your mom failed to mention) is to wear Mr. Smeenerhoffer glasses, those ones with nose, eyebrows, and mustache, to the party...or maybe until it grows back. Believe me, they wouldn't even notice anything was wrong.

lis said...

It just shows how naturally unselfish you are, Lindsay, to allow us such glee at your own expense. :O)

And Mr. Shmeenerhoffenoff is a smashing idea!