The scene:
My car
The players:
God & me
The soundtrack:
Barlow Girl "Enough"
"All of You is more than enough
For all of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me with Your love
And all I have in You
Is more than enough"
The script:
Me - whining, crying and generally "carrying on"
God- listening and eventually speaking peace to my heart
Scene 1:
Me - In pain, grasping to something I thought was my right to hold onto
God - letting me explain my side of the story
Scene 2:
Me - Being quiet and loosening my grip
God - Standing by, waiting
Scene 3:
Me - still crying, but letting go entirely
God - "I know what's best for you, but I also WANT what's best for you."
Scene 4:
Me - blown away by the difference of one little word... He doesn't just know, He wants what's best
God - smiling, I think
Curtain down on a peaceful scene:
Me - still crying, but what else is new...
God - still smiling and speaking peace, but what else is new...
The audience: Standing ovation for the perfect work of God, and in agreement that one little word makes a huge difference!
oh boy. Praying that it[whatever "it" is] all works out!
Wow. So well expressed. So good to be reminded.
Love you, Linds.
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