Friday, February 02, 2007

Another Chloe Quote

She was showing me the shoes she chose to wear, advising me that they came to her from her cousin Addie.

"They came in a package that the CPV truck brought."

"Oh," said Aunt Lindsay, "UPS?"



Booker said...

letters schmetters...

~jenna said...

LOL :)

Aaron said...

Yikes! Were you wondering why the Canine Parvo Virus truch was visiting your house? :)

Aaron said...

"Truch" is my fancy way of saying "truck."

Kristi said...

^^Ha ha, like a German variation?

Unknown said...

CPV? Hahaha...

Truch, hmmm? Tru-ACHHH...with a short 'u'...that's fun to say! :)