Sunday, February 11, 2007


That's my life, coming to a screeching halt, as I just got my hands on the fifth season of 24!

Adchay, a person who's identity has been changed to protect him, brought me the first three DVDs of the season on Wednesday. Of course, I had to watch one episode that night... and then a couple more on Thursday night... and more on Friday night... and then on Saturday I woke up really early, and of course, I couldn't be bored on a Saturday morning, so I watched more.

And then a favorite character was killed, and that was the last episode of the DVDs from Adchay. So, I called the local Blockbuster and scuttled over there for the last three DVDs.

I watched a very large number of episodes yesterday, and finished the season this afternoon. And I'm EXHAUSTED! For heaven's sake... the way I get into it, you'd think that Jack couldn't save the world without me! On Friday night, I was tensely curled up in my chair, watching it on my laptop when E & J's cats started howling outside my window. I about leapt out of my skin!

And then I thought of this list:

Signs That You Are WAY Too Into 24!

* You don't care if you're in jammies in Blockbuster

* You're grateful every time you start the car and it doesn't explode

* All of your dreams have to do with computer programming, schematics of buildings & people falling off things (sorry, Mom - you did fall off a v-e-r-y tall structure, but thankfully only sprained your ankle!)

* You start your phone conversations with "Is this a secure line?"

* You cry when a favorite character is killed & start yelling instructions to the other characters on the screen

* Every action that you take in real life (answering the phone, typing on a laptop, putting keys in your pocket) is followed by the thought, "Oh - they do that in 24!"

Good grief, I need to go take a nap before I file my taxes... "hmmm - I wonder if they file taxes in 24!"


Claire said...

We just finished watching that season too! Talk about INTENSE! I was so mad when someone told me last summer about that favorite character's demise...RRGGH...but I'm kinda glad I was warned in a way...Did you know you can watch current episodes streaming online- for FREE? But it's soooo hard to wait a whole week for another episode....Rarrgh.

Cara said...

I can identify with too many of those signs. I mourned that favorite character. It was a sad day and a bad week when he died.

Susan Elizabeth said...

I am now picturing you in your jammies in Blockbuster, clutching your latest 24 discs! Your list totally describes all of us that are too into that show! (I have something in common with Jack Bauer...we are the same age...which makes me feel better, seeing all the things he survives in 24 hours. I know now that I can get through my little dramatic daily life!)
love you!

Claire said...

And I find that all my normal chores are done with a greater efficiency and urgency after watching 24. It's like caffeine...delivered through the eyes and ears...ew! That's gross!

NH Knitting Mama said...

Well that explains why your blog hadn't been updated since Wednesday! I was ready to send out a search for you! ((wink))


Kristi said...

Can you believe I haven't watched it? Maybe it's a good thing, at least according to your symptoms!

Susan Elizabeth said...

I have just noticed that all of your comments are from women! Most interesting, I must say!

TripleNine said...

I'm going to comment just to make susan look silly :) Actually I'm not really sure that symptom number one actually has anything to do with a 24 addiction.

Susan Elizabeth said...

I feel soo silly! Thanks alot Wes!!

p.s. as for # 1 on the list, is that from first hand experience?!

Unknown said...

Those symptoms made me LAAAAAAUGH!!! I love and hate 24...I don't know what it is. It's sooooo addicting!

redsoxwinthisyear said...

Bauer is THE MAN!!!

Booker said...

24 is for those who are addicted to non-stop action and aren't to worried about character developement and plot ;-)

REAL MEN watch Lost...