Saturday, February 03, 2007

Phone Calls That Make You Say, "Count Me In!!"

On Thursday I got a message on my phone from DJ... "call me when you get a chance. I have a question for you about Saturday."

Now, Thursday was a v-e-r-y bad day in Lindsay-land, so I texted back, "Bad day - I'm grouchy - will call tomorrow."

Friday comes, I am officially un-grouchy, and I call the cousin. "How about Wes and I come over on Saturday and make you pancakes."


So, this morning I had two blonde cousins come make me food. (Well, one made the pancakes, I fried the bacon, and the other one did the dishes later on... in fact the pancake-maker even pulled double duty by drying the dishes!)

Evan came in and said, "How much did this cost you? Breakfast and clean-up??"

Just cost a package of bacon!


Unknown said...

That was nice of them!!! Glad they did that for you...:)

Booker said...

my goodness, what good cousins you have! They must be the BEST[of everything] in the whole world!


Linds said...

And surprisingly humble, DJ :)

Claire said...

Awwwwww....How shweeeeeet. BUT- I notice you folks stayed away from waffles. Good for you. Y'never know what terrible thing might have happened if you had attempted to make them. Yes- stick with pancakes, by all means.

Kristi said...

My goodness, my cousins have never done that to me, and I have a bunch of them! I guess I'll excuse them since the closest one is in California. So count your blessins!

Kristi said...

Oops, I forgot about the cousin in Seattle. But I never see her.