Sunday, September 09, 2007

A & P = Good!

And so it begins! The chronicling of my classes & studies. Basic A&P started on Thursday night, and I've thought of not much else since then.

The class goes from 5:00 - 10:15, which I consider a long time, especially after a full day of work... however, the information on the first night was completely fascinating, and I loved being in a classroom setting again. At least, I loved it until 8:25, but that'll come later.

Even though I'm an extreme people person, going into new situations with lots of strangers fills me with quite a bit of angst, so when I got to the classroom, I went to the back row, arranged my books around me and tried to exude please-don't-sit-next-to-me-ness. I think I was born without that specific gene, because my life consistently shows that no matter how much I try to give off that vibe, it has the opposite effect.

The room was eerily quiet as everyone sat there, waiting for class to begin, when the door opened and in walked this girl who was probably well over six feet. She looked all around the room and started walking toward the back... and to the seat next to me. In the dead silence, she turned, smiled and yelled "HI." I about came out of my chair!

During class, I could see her in my peripheral vision, and she was constantly staring at me. I'd crack my knuckles - she'd crack seven of hers. I'd take notes - she'd start writing feverishly. At 8:25, after lots of talk of body regions, cavities, medical names of things, and other fascinating subjects, the professor said, "Now it's time for chemistry." Had my teeth fallen out of my head like they wanted to, I'm sure my shadow would have produced some as well.

"I've already TAKEN chemistry," she stage whispered to me. I tried to focus on my notes.

"I'VE ALREADY TAKEN CHEMISTRY," she said, getting closer to me. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

At this point, I was hanging onto the information being taught by a very fine thread, and couldn't be distracted by giants who had already taken chemistry.

But she & I weren't the only students in the class. There were 18 in total... and being the consummate people watcher that I am, I had to keep reminding myself that I needed to listen to what the professor was saying, instead of wondering what the life story of each of my classmates was.

One lady in the front row started out the evening with a beautiful french braid. A little while later I thought, "Hey - where'd french braid lady go?" She was still there, but had taken down her hair. A few minutes later it was up in a pony tail... then down again... the two pony tails... then down and twirled around her fingers... then up... she changed hairstyles at least 17 times during class. (And NO, I wasn't counting. I was focusing on chemistry!)

Or the person in front of me who was taping the class on her little hand held recorder. She would pick it up every couple of minutes to see if it was still doing it's job.

Or the very young person who looked at the clock almost continuously, and would sigh when the minutes weren't moving fast enough for her liking.

In Swedish Massage 1, there wasn't a lot of studying, and even less homework involved. This class will be very different, but I'm ready to take on the challenge... I'll be even more ready when the chemistry portion is over!

So - to recap:

A&P = good
Chemistry = not so much


Susan Elizabeth said...

Great, great post, Linds! You described it to a "T"! I felt like I was there...can't wait to read the next episode!

Claire said...

Thanks for sharing! I get vicarious, jealous thrills from hearing about other people's classes.

The whole story of the person sitting next to you made me think of how it's a little like getting to your seat on the airplane early and wondering if you will be lucky enough to sit alone or if you'll get stuck next to the woman with the six month old screaming baby. Except instead of being stuck next to this person for a few hours and then never seeing them again, with a class you have the joy of anticipating their presence for weeks to come!

A & P sounds interesting! Again- very jealous of you! ( Except not jealous of the chemistry part. Unlike your shadow, I never took chemistry. At all. On any level. And I have no desire to do so. Ever.)

drewey fern said...

Hee hee - what a great tale! I'm especially impressed with 17 hairdo girl. I'm so happy for you about all the good things!

~jenna said...

hope you make this people watcher happy by posting after each class, like i was there ;)

Anonymous said...

I am thinking you might want to sit in the front row! Course, your blogs might not have as many interesting stories but knowing you, I bet they will :)
Love you! geni

the Joneses said...

The Hairdo Lady just about put Darren out of his chair, and I've been laughing about it for two days.

Apparently instead of giving off "Don't Touch Me" vibes, you give off, "I Am Sympathy In Human Form" vibes.

-- SJ

Kristi said...

So whatever happened with the staring giant lady? My word, that would be so annoying. You should just turn and give her a deadpan stare in return. :-)