Monday, September 17, 2007

Ten Random Things About Me

I was "tagged" on another website of mine, and figured I'd post it here as well... but without the guilt inducing of "tagging" 10 others.

And, all ten of these things are different than this post from last May.

1) My biggest fear is discovering a body hanging from my shower head

2) I am strangely addicted to reading biographies of random people and am currently reading one of a female neurosurgeon

3) Secretly, I've always wanted to be The Tollbooth Lady, repleat with obscenely long nails & multiple rings on each finger

4) My spelling is so poor that I keep or a Word document open all day long at work, so I can double check for typos (and that goes for at home when I'm writing or commenting on blogs)

5) Once I ran over a snake... it made a popping sound... I shiver uncontrollably every time I think about it

6) I attended W's first inauguration... but b/c I'm so short, couldn't see a darn thing. Periodically my over-six-feet-tall friends would launch me into the air for quick glances of the goings-on

7) I sang my first solo when I was five

8) In the last few days, I've probably killed over 30 crickets in my apartment

9) I have a shot glass collection, even though I don't drink

10) My Dad taught me how to make a mean egg roll!


Claire said...

LOVED the one about you being launched into the air to watch the inaugural ceremonies...

...and I am addicted to reading biographies ( and autob's) as well. I just finished an auto-bio by Carmen bin Laden - sister in law of Osama. It was FASCINATING. It's called, "Inside the Kingdom," of all things, in case you're interested in looking it up for your next bio fix.

Susan Elizabeth said...


Linds said...

SUUUUUUUE!! Oh GACK! I've been shivering all over again :)

drewey fern said...

Hee hee hee - I forget how it came up, but I told your inauguration story to my class yesterday:) Oh the stories they know...

Lori said...

I think it's hilarious you secretly want to be the tollbooth lady!!