Saturday, November 10, 2007

Memories From a Nine Year Old... and Beyond

Dad reading the Bible to Mom as she did her hair each morning, then the quiet discussions of what that passage meant to them

Mom and Dad, kissing as they pass each other in the kitchen

Each night, having Dad come in and either sitting on the end of the bed, or kneeling by my bed, praying for me

Being nine was twenty years ago, and since I've been home this weekend, I've seen all of these played out. Time hasn't changed any of them.

I slept better last night than I have in months. My spirit knows that it can relax... that all is right with the world... that it is home.


Claire said...

I'm so, so, sooo happy for you. Yes- relax, de-stress, let peace reign...

On a silly note, when I was reading your first few lines, for some reason I thought you wrote, "...reading the Bible to Mom as HE did her hair..." and for two seconds I was like, "MAN! That Phil Jones! Doing his wife's hair AND reading the Bible at the same time! That is one impressively talented, multi-tasking man!"

Amy K said...

It is truly a blessing to have God-fearing parents! What good memories.

And happy belated birthday! Two days ago! Hope you had fun.

Also, I tagged you on a meme. I don't usually do these but thought of you and thought maybe you would be willing to do it. Thanks.

Jill said...

I'm so glad you're getting a chance to relax and have your love tank filled up. But do hurry back to your real home. :-) We all miss you here!